617 News Release




School Board Member Scores High on Diversity Training


August 3, 1999
For Immediate Release
Contact: Suzanne Matthews
Fax: 305-995-2722

MIAMI, FL- Miami-Dade County School Board Member Dr. Robert lngram put his law enforcement skills to work recently in Indiana. Approximately 150 Police officers from South Bend, Mishawaka, St. Joseph County and surrounding areas at a Charter Hospital Workshop about the nature of prejudice and how to overcome it using skills in diversity.

Board Member lngram who is also a full professor and Special Assistant to the President at Florida Memorial College conducted the workshop recently (Thursday, July 29, 1999) demonstrating how accepting diversity leads to greater mental health.

Dennis Sajdak, Chief Executive officer at Charter Hospital, stated that the need for a diversity program was identified by Mishawaka Police, so as part of continued outreach to the community, the hospital and police agencies brought Dr. lngram in to conduct the training.

Dr. Ingram stated that understanding diversity is "a sign of good mental health." He further noted that "the practice of denying the existence of a group, to make them invisible has negative consequences on your psyche," lngram further noted "you are setting yourself up for a disaster if you put blinders on concerning groups other than your own, it can be fatal if you are in law enforcement."

lngram's goal is to save officers' lives and help them to protect others in the performance of their duty.

An individual can overcome the "isms" they face in life - racism, sexism & class-isms - these isms "are a product of incompetence, resistance to change, cultural ignorance or lack of a diverse frame of reference.

Dr. Ingram compared cultural and racial differences to gears, stating that "Gears go in different directions, yet mesh in a way that creates New power."

With each police encounter with persons of differing gender or race on officer well trained in diversity has the opportunity to create a new and positive power.

To contact Dr. Ingram, please call 305-995-1340 or e-mail ringram@dadeschools.net