Dr. Ingram is joined by Read to Lead tour participants (Skyway elementary school) at departure from Charles Wyche Elementary for the historic tour of St. Augustine and Islands of Adventure, Orlando, FL 5/3/06 |
Dr. Ingram is joined by Read to Lead Parents prior to departure for Read to Lead tour of St. Augustine and Islands of Adventure, Orlando. 5/3/06 |
Read to Lead Chaperones at Old Florida Memorial College, St. Augustine, FL 5/3/06 |
Read to Lead students arrive at Ft. Mose in St. Augustine, FL. 5/3/06 |
Read to Lead students arrive at Islands of Advenure, Orlando, FL 5/4/06 |
Dr. Ingram's "Read to Lead" scholars arrive at Islands of Adventure, Orlando, FL. 5/4/06 |
On return to Miami, a Read to Lead scholar reports from her "Read to Lead" i-book digital journal. 5/4/06 |
Dr. Ingram presides over the 5000 Role Models of Excellenece Project's "Take Your Apprentice to Work Day!" 5/11/06 |
Dr. Ingram welcomes Superintedent Dr. Rudy Crew to the 5000 Role Models "Take Your Apprentice to Work Day!" 5/11/06 |
Dr. Ingram joins other Role Models at the Apprentice Day! 5/11/06
Dr. Ingram and other Role Models receive Roel Model Apprentice
Dr. Randall Pricket 5/11/06
5000 Role Model's Take Apprentice To Work Day 5/11/06 |
5000 Role Models' "Take Apprentice To Work Day!" 5/11/06 |
Dr. Ingram welcomes Superintendent Dr. Rudy Crew to his 5th Annual District 1 Read to Lead Principals sharing of best practices conference 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT Academic Excellence award to Ms, Cheryl Nelson, Principal Norland Middle School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presnts FCAT Acdemic Excellence award to Dr. Maria Castaign, Principal North Dade Center for Modern Languages. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presnts FCAT Acdemic Excellence awrd to MS. Barbara George, Principal Nathan B. Young Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Superintendent Dr. Rudy Crew gives remark at Read to Lead Sharing of best practices conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram welcomes District 1 principals and guests to the 5th Annual READ TO LEAD Principals Sharing of Best Practices Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes Mr. John Messersmiths, Principal Joella Good Elementary at Read to Lead Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes Mr. Theron Clark, Principal Golden Glades Elementary at READ TO LEAD Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes Ms. Janice Hutson, Principal Natural Bridge Elementary @ READ TO LEAD Conference. 5/12/06 |
5/12/06 Dr. Ingram recognizes Ms. Enid Weisman, Region Center II Superintendent and gust at READ TO LEAD Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. recognizes guests at READ TO LEAD Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Barbara Johnson, principal Myrtle Grove Elementary School presents at READ TO LEAD Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes READ TO LEAD Committee at 5th Annual READ TO LEAD District 1 princiapls Conference. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes some outstanding Dristrict 1 faculty. 5/12/06 |
Dr. Ingram addresses the student body priopr to departure of the "Want to be" field trip from Hibicus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram addresses the student body priopr to departure of the "Want to be" field trip from Hibicus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram is joined by Miami Gardens Council woman Barbara Watson and Ms. Latoya M. Williams, foundation Coordinator of the Orange Bowl Foundation at the "Want to Be" program at Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram is joined by guests and students at "Want to Be" program at Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram and CouncilWoman Barbara Watson of Miami Gardens receive host students at Hibiscus Elementary. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram enbark on bus and joins students prior to "Want to Be" tour. 5/16/06 |
"On the Bus!" 5/16/06 |
Want to BE Tour! 5/16/06 |
At Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
At Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
With Councilwoman Barbara Watson at Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
At Hibiscus Elementary School. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram with Ms. Dyona McLean, Prinipal Hibiscus Elemnetary School at "Want to Be" Program. 5/16/06 |
Dr. Ingram recognizes District 1 Schools for outstanding accomplichments on the FCAT. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT Academic excellence award to Ms. Patricia Johnson, principal Carol City Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT Academic excellence Award to Mr. Theron Clark principal Golden Glades Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellnece award to MS. Ellen Wright, principal Thomas Jefferson Middle School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Mr. Derrick Mckoy, principal Lake Stevens Middle School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Ms. Eunice Davis, Principal North Dade Middle School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Mr. Carnell White, Principal North Miami Senior High School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Ms. Beryl James, Principal Bunche Park Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Ms. Agenoria Powell, Principal Linda Lentin Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to MS. Janice Hutson, Principal Natural Bridge Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
FCAT Academic excellence award! 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT Academic excellence award to Dr. Lucile Collins, Principal North County Elementary School. 5/18/06
Dr. Ingra presents FCAT Acdemic excellence award to Ms. Patricia Zell, principal Parkway Elementary. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents academic excellence award to Mr. Arnold Montgomerry, Principal North Miami Middle School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presnts FCAT academic achievement award to Dr. Midrid Mejia, Principal Crestview elementary school. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presnts FCAT academic excellence award to Dr. Thomas Frederick, Principal North Glade Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presnts FCAT academic excellence award to Ms. Rhonda McKinney, Principal Oak Grove Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
FCAT academic excellence award! 5/18/06 |
FCAT academic excellence award! 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents FCAT academic excellence award to Ms. Pat Urban, Principal Charles D. Wyche Elementary School. 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram presents "Read to Lead" Scholarship award. 5/21/06 |
5/21/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by Ms. Linda Harrison, Principal Skyway Elementary School during the presentation of a READ TO LEAD Scholarship award. |
FCAT academic excellence award! 5/18/06 |
Dr. Ingram's ASA (Africa School Alliance) students depart for Kigali, Rwanda.
Front: l-r Bridget Jones, Ms. Jackie Jones, Joi Bottino, Ms. Lisa Lugo and Mr. Anthony Okonmah.
Rear: Mr. Erhabor Ighodaro 5/24/06
ASA students en route to Kigali, Rwanda 5/24/06
ASA students en route to kigali, Rwanda 5/24/06 |