617 Service Gallery

December 2005
Service Gallery

"Service is the price you pay for a better today and tomorrow."
Dr. Ingram is joined by staff, invited guests and Ms. Linda Lentin at gentlemen's program at Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/06/05
Dr. Ingram is joined by outstanding "Read to Lead" parents from Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/06/05
Dr. Ingram receives outstanding students from Linda Lentin Elementary School.
Dr. Ingram Speaks to young "gentlemen" from Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/06/05
Dr. Ingram receives a young "gentleman" from Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram gives reward to an outstanding student from Linda Lentin Elemntary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram with student from Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram serves as speaker at "Gentlemen's Club" initiation ceremony held at Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram is joined by student from Linda Lentin elementary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram with young "gentlemen" from Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05 Dr. Ingram receives recognition for his service as speaker at Gentlemen's Club program at Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05 Dr. Ingram shares award with mentors from Florida Memorial University at gentlemen's program at Linda Lentin Elementary School. 12/6/05
Dr. Ingram is joined by Dr. Lucille Collins, Principal North County Elementary School in receiving a student from North County Elementary School at computer award ceremony held by PBS & J (Post Buckley Schuh and Jennigan). 12/12/05 Dr. Ingram is joined by Mrs. Shannan Ighodaro of PBS& J at a computer Award ceremony held by PBS& J in honor of students from North County Elementary School. 12/08/05  
Brand new computers funished by PBS& J for students at North County Elementary School. 12/08/05