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15750 SW 47 STREET
MIAMI, FL 33185
School Legal Boundaries Description
Begin at Miami-Dade County Line and S.W. 26 Street (Coral Way)

East to S.W. 147 Avenue

South to SW 88 Street (Kendall Drive)

West to SW 152 Avenue

North to SW 80 Street

West to S.W. 154 Avenue

North to S.W. 74 Lane

West to S.W. 157 Avenue

North to SW 72 Street,

West to S.W. 162 Avenue

South to S.W. 86 Terrace/Lane

East to S.W. 158 Place

South to S.W. 88 Street (Kendall Drive)

West to S.W. 177 Avenue (Krome Avenue)

North to S.W. 72 Street (Sunset Drive)

West to S.W. 187 Avenue

North to S.W. 56 Street (Miller Road)

West to Miami-Dade County Line

North to S.W. 26 Street (Coral Way),

point of beginning.

Attendance Zone Established 2011-12