Get Flash Player
Getting Started
Type your Employee ID / Network Login.
Click "Login" to begin the password reset proccess.

About Password Reset
This system eliminates the need for assistance in resetting of passwords and allows for a single password for multiple systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. It will not include passwords for school-based instructional software or the online registration system. Users will be able to reset their passwords 24/7 by accessing this Web site.

Creating Your Profile
Resetting Your Password & Changing Profile Questions


Please enter your network login ID:
My network login ID is
(i.e. Employee Number "XXXXXX")
Press to continue:

View Shockwave tutorials

  1. How to change my password using Q&A authentication
  2. How to change my password using password authentication
  3. How to configure my Q&A profile
  4. How to add new accounts to my profile

Note: To view these tutorials you must have Macromedia Flash Player installed. Please install the player at Macromedia.
M-DCPS : 1450 NE 2nd Ave. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017