Thursday, April 10th, Miami-Dade County School Board Member
Dr. Robert B. Ingram, was honored with a legacy award
by the Opa-Locka Rotary Club. The event held at the Island
Café on Miami Beach brought together distinguished
members of the Rotary Club and featured internationally
renowned Musician Mr. Timmy Thomas. Mrs. Myra Taylor,
past President of the Opa-Locka Club and current Mayor
of the City of Opa-Locka, was also honored by the organization.
in his introduction, Dr. Ingram was recognized as the
founder of the club and a pioneer civic leader who contributed
immensely to Rotary's ideal of "promoting friendship
and world understanding between people". In his
remarks, Dr. Ingram reminded the members that, "now
more than ever, we must be about the business of lifting
each other up rather than tearing each other down".
For more information, please contact Dr. lngram's office
at 305-995-1334.