


Highlights of 1999-2000 School Year
District 1


June 2000
For Immediate Release
Contact: Suzanne Matthews
Fax: 305-995-2722

Highlights of 1999-2000 School Year



1. Five Star Award recipient - State of Florida
2. First Place in Attendance - Miami-Dade County
3. Miami Herald Black History Essay Contest - 2 of 7 winners Grades one through twelve tri-county area from Crestview
4. Jump Rope
for Heart student participation raised $3,450
1. Donuts and Dads Program
2. Title I Math Bowl (Second Place)
3. Family Time Library Nights (Monthly)
4. FCAT Assemblies and Parent Workshops
1. Groovin in the Grove - Carnival atmosphere to support school objectives in reading and math
2. Basal Reader FCAT Bank - Staff established an FCAT Bank from the Basal Reader
3. Created Task Card Flip Books for each teacher to generate questions, use in planning and implementation of lessons, generate discussion, and familiarize and provide practice for FCAT's
4. Fat Cat Wednesday - To motivate students, increase student FCAT performance, and improve parent support
5. Established School-Wide Tutorial Programs
1. Accelerated Reader Incentive Program -
Winners received Dade Partners Donations
2. Title I Math Bowl - numerous ranking achievements
3. Multicultural Dance and Drama Club
4. Strings Ensemble
5. QZAB Grant recipient - Science Lab
6. Saturday Academy
1. This school year, 55% of the 2nd grade students scored above the 50th percentile on the reading comprehension sub test of the Stanford Achievement Test.
2. This school year, 56% of the 2nd graders scored above the 50th percentile on the mathematics application sub test of the Stanford Achievement.
3. Developed, awarded and managed a feeder pattern grant that provided for a reading tutorial in all eleven schools. This initiative has been underway for two consecutive years.
4. Norwood Elementary School's chorus was selected to participate in the Superintendent's Holiday Program and did so masterfully.

1. A school-wide Math Fair with hands-on math booths targeting the Sunshine State Standards and focused on enhancing critical thinking skills.
2. Scholastic Annual Book Fair and Pajama Party Reading Night for students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade.
3. EESAC implemented a Reading Incentive Program where students received incentives such as Reading pins, pencils, bookmarks, treats, or a certificate monthly for reading books based on a set criteria.
4. Participated in Title I Publish-A-Book Contest and one of our 5th grade students won 1st place in Region II for her original story on "imagination." Four of our students won prizes for the "Books With Wings" Young Authors Contest.

1. Awarded school grants totaling $90,000 that were used to decrease teacher-student ratio, provide small group instruction, provide staff development, and provide after-school and Saturday tutoring.
2. A District waiver was obtained to extend the school day from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. for kindergarten and Grade I students in order to improve student achievement and to ensure full day attendance.
3. Five district finalists in the Do the Right Thing Campaign.
1. Received the 3 year CSRD grant for $150,000. The grant allows for the implementation of the Lightspan Achieve Now Home Learning Program.
2. Received the QZAB grant for $132,000 which will be utilized for new computers, wiring and software.



1. Chorus trip to Georgia, North and South Carolina, Florida - Singing and Black History Tours
2. Expanded Internet Access
3. Implemented first year of the Comprehensive School Reform Grant ($50,000)
4. Received, and in the process of implementing QZAB Technology grant of $124,000
5. Dade Reading Council - two "Books with Wings" winners
6. Christopher Cruz won a trip to London - Do the Right Thing winner

1. Saturday Academy - 300 eighth grade students received additional instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics
2. Science Saturday - Students participated in hands-on science investigations
3. Track County Champions for two years running
4. Attendance averaging 95% - Number I in attendance for Region II Middle Schools
5. Received the QZAB grant for $59,000 which will be utilized to purchase additional computers
6. 200+ members of the 500 Role Model Program making it the largest in the county
7.1999 Florida Writes! 3.5 average


Miami Norland

1. Travel and Tourism Program
2. Athletic Program
3. JROTC Program
4. Scholarships/Silver Knight

To contact Dr. Ingram, please call 305-995-1340 or e-mail