- Dr. Robert B. Ingram, Board Member for District 1, Miami-Dade
County Public Schools is scheduled to deliver the keynote
address at the upcoming American Leadership Conference
at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday July 29, 2000 at the Miami Airport
Hilton. The prayer breakfast entitled: "Freedom,
Faith and Family in America's 21st Century" is sponsored
by The Washington Times Foundation, and is centered on
the idea of bringing families together and uniting diverse
people and groups for the common good.
Approximately 50 Ministers will join over
300 individuals representing the different religious,
ethnic and racial groups in South Florida. "I believe
Dr. Ingram's message will have a positive impact on the
conference," says Mr. Jay Joseph, Principal Hialeah
Adult and Community Education Center.
For more information
contact Dr. Ingram's office at 305-995-1334.