January 2006
Service Gallery

"Service is the price you pay for a better today and tomorrow."
Dr. Ingram addresses attendees at the 2006 United Way Awards Ceremony. 1/9/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by Mr. Hurve Mogul, Presdent United Way at the Annual Awards breakfast in Miami. 1/9/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by some outstanding MDCPS students at the Annual United Way Awards Program held at the Parrot Jungle Islands. 1/9/06
Dr. Ingram is joined by School Board Staff at the Annual United Way Awards Program held at the Parrot Jungle Island. 1/9/06 Dr. Ingram addresses School personnel and parents at the Region Center 1 2007 Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony held at Don Shula's Hotel, Miami. 1/11/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by School Staff at Region 1 Teacher of the Year Awards Ceremony. 1/11/06
Dr. Ingram is joined by Region Center 1 Superintendent Dr. Armando Rodriguez at the 2007 Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony. 1/11/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by Ms. Beryl James, Principal Bunche Park Elementary At the Region Center 1 2007 Teacher of the Year Awards ceremony. 1/11/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by a Miami Dade County Public School Staff at the Region Center 1 2007 Teacher of the Year Award Ceremony. 1/11/06
Dr. Ingram hosts Board office staff to a special holiday luncheon. 1/13/06 Dr. Ingram is joined by Board Office Staff at a special holiday luncheon. 1/13/06 Miami Norland Sr. High student, Ms. Ashley Caloway 01/25/06

Miami Norland Principal, Ms. Gail Cunningham 01/25/06 Miami Norland Sr. (L-R) Mayor Shirley Gibson and Ms. Cheryl Nelson Principal, Norland Middle school. 01/25/06
Miami Norland Senior High Dedication Of Gymnasium 01/25/06