"Send-Off" Read To Lead parental involvement scholarship tour at Natural Bridge Elementary School. 02/17/06
"Read To Lead" mothers at St. Agustine, FL. 02/23/06 |
02/06 |
Dr. Ingram with parent at "Send-Off" (Read To Lead Parental Involvement Scholorship Tour) 02/23/06 |
02/06 |
02/06 |
Dr. Ingram with Ms. Janice Hutson, principal of Natural Bridge Elementary at "Read To Lead" "Send-Off" 02/17/06 |
"Read To Lead" mothers at Islands Of Adventure Oralando, FL. 02/24/06
Carol City Middle "All-Stars" 02/11/06 |
A.S.A. African Scholar Anthony Holmes, (Student Miami City Sr.) 02/11/06 |
A.S.A. African Scholar Genevive Carvil (Student Miami Carol City Sr.) 02/11/06 |
A.S.A. Rites Of Passage program at Carol City Middle. 02/11/06 |
Dr. Ingram servers as speaker at U.S. Customs and Border Proteciton annual Black History Program 02/28/06 |