July 2003
Service Gallery

"Service is the price you pay for a better today and tomorrow."
Dr. Ingram with "Read to Lead" summer campers at Bunche Park Elementary. 07/07/03
Dr. Ingram opens "Read to Lead" summer camp at Oak Grove Elementary School.
(l-r Erhabor Onaiwu, Margarita Beckford, Dr. Susie Robinson, Principal Oak Grove Elementary and Dr. Ingram)
Dr. Ingram with "Read to Lead" summer campers at Oak Grove Elementary. 07/07/03
Dr. Ingram with "Read to Lead" summer campers at Oak Grove Elementary. 07/07/03
Dr. Ingram with representative from FaweGirls School, Kigal, Rwanda. 07/23/03 Dr. Ingram addresses parents prior to departure on "Read to Lead" parents tour. 07/24/03 Dr. Ingram is joined by parents prior to departure for 2003 parent's "Read to Lead" tour. 07/24/03
Dr. Ingram is joined by parents prior to departure for 2003 parent's "Read to Lead" tour. 07/24/03 "Read to Lead" parent's tour. 07/24/03
Parent's "at work" at the "Read to Lead" parent's tour. 07/24/03 "Read to Lead" parent's tour. 07/25/03
Dr. Ingram presents proclamation to Mr. Fred Oladeinde, President, Foundation for Democracy in Africa at the 6th Annual AfrICANDO Conference. 07/25/03