Thank you for inviting me to participate
in this marvelous experience. This Book and Technology
Conference 2000 - Making connections will introduce participants
to a wide range of subjects:
a. The Afro-Latin connection Hispanic
b. The impact of immigration on South Florida
c. Women Studies
d. Reinventing Overtown and many, many, others.
These Learning interest are designed to renew ones self
-examination and perhaps revise one's commitment to live
out the commandments offered by Yehuda Bauer:
1) Thou shalt not be a victim.
2) Thou shalt not be a perpetrator
3) And above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
I've stopped by to speak to you as a son of a people
whose suffering continue evento this day in the United
States. I speak to you as an African American, but please
accept that my comments are inclusive of all people wherever
they have come from. I am a person who has seen certain
things in my life and I thank you for the opportunity
to share my reflections and my vision with you.
As I forestated, I speak to you as an African American,
one who was born in "Colored town, Downtown, Overtown,"
Miami and raised in the projects of Liberty City - a drop
out who is probably the most unlikely individual to speak
to you today.
I come from a place where remnants of the wall of separation
still exist. A place where my mother and my father were
filled with faith in a better day. My mother and my father,
had a faith that was ablaze as was the blazing faith of
the first Africans who were brought in chains to these
shores in 1619, that a faith that said inspite of their
condition, they had faith in a better day.
I grew up in segregated Miami. In a world that was divided,
by a legal chasm; a world of African Americans and Anglo
Americans. A time of white drinking fountains & colored
drinking fountains- of riding in the back of the bus and
attending segregated schools.
The Anglo-Americans did not accept African Americans
back then, yet I was convinced better days would come.
Unfortunately it took the assassination of the Rev. Martin
Luther King, Jr. and President John F. Kennedy for America
to begin truly addressing the pervasiveness of the suffering
of a race of people who had survived the slave trade to
make this country great.
That's the reason, The Pledge of Allegiance is more than
the words to remember and recite for me. To me it is a
marching order to bring to life the American Dream.
"I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag of the United
States Of America and to the Republic for which it stands
One Nation, under GOD, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice
for all."
Promerto Lealtad A la Bandera De Los Estados Unidos
De America Y A La Republica Que Representa, Una Ncaion
De Dios Indivisble Que Guarantiza Libertatad Y Juusticia
Para Todo."
Throughout the course of history the words contained
in our Pledge of Allegiance has stood and still stands
firmly as a statement of our most fundamental and cherished
values freedom, our national flag represents a living
country, emblematic of the respect and pride we have in
our nation. "Liberty and justice for all!" ALL
as all colors of the rainbow.
But, as this making the connections conference will remind
you, nowhere in the annals of history have a people experienced
such a long and traumatic ordeal as Africans who have
survived the slave trade. Over the nearly four centuries
- which continued until the end of the Civil War- men,
women, and children were savagely torn from their homeland,
herded onto ships, and dispersed my ancestors all over
this so called New World.
Although There is no way to compute how many people perished,
it has been estimated that between thirty and sixty million
Africans were subjected to this horrendous triangular
trade system and that only one third-if-that-of those
people survived...' The slaughter and carnage of those
dreadful years constitute one of the darkest chapters
in human history.
I can truly testify, from personal experiences, that
over the Years:
African Americans have suffered too severely;
African Americans have been water hosed too many times;
African Americans have been cattle-prodded in too many
African Americans have been Billy-clubbed by too many
police officers;
African Americans have cried too many tears;
African Americans have marched too many miles;
African Americans have prayed too many prayers;
African Americans have died too many deaths; and
African Americans have buried too many bodies to ignore
the horror that has been heaped upon us as a people.
However, the Psalmist authenticated for me that: "...weeping
may endure the night, but there will be joy, joy in the
morning" (Psalms 30:15)
For that reason Yehuda Bauer words are alive in me today:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
Let me lay the foundation of the impact of those words
by "making connections" with reflections on
the contributions of women to this our country. In the
1800s, women, especially white women in the United States
had few legal rights and constitutionally did not have
the right to vote.
Susan B. Anthony, a great woman advocate of her time,
championed the women's right movement and was arrested
on a charge of an illegal vote in the presidential election
of 1872. She was tried and then fined $100 but because
of her well founded belief she refused to pay.
She put forth a potent plea to her fellow citizens calling
for their support to make America live up to its Constitutional
preamble that says: "we, the people" meaning
ALL people.
Susan B. Anthony noted that it was "...a downright
mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings
of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means
of securing them provided by this democratic-republican
government - ballot" (1873).
Following her death in 1906 after five decades of tireless
work the Democratic and Republican parties finally endorsed
women's right to vote and in August of 1920, the 19th
amendment to the U.S. Constitution was finally ratified,
allowing women to vote.
Here again one can seethe principles of Yehuda Bauer
allive in Susan B. Anthony's efforts:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
We fast forward now to our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters
in the United States. You see, before there was New England,
there was New Spain; and before there was Boston, Mass.,
there was Santa Fe, N.M.
The teaching of American history normally emphasizes
the founding and growth of the British colonies in North
America, their emergence as an independent nation in 1176,
and the development of the United States of America from
east to west. This treatment easily omits the fact that
there was significant colonization by Spain of what is
now the American Southwest from the 16th century onward.
It also tends to ignore, until the Mexican War is mentioned,
that the whole Southwest, from Texas westward to California,
was a Spanish-speaking territory with its own distinctive
heritage, culture, and customs for many decades.
Let me hasten to add that the term Hispanic is not an
ethnic description. It refers to native language and to
cultural background. Moreover, Hispanics today form the
fastest growing minority in the United States. Numbering
about 22.4 million in 1992, they make up the second largest
minority in the nation, African Americans being the largest.
It must be noted that about 60 percent of these Hispanics
trace their origin to Mexico. Interestingly, within the
group called Hispanics are peoples of diverse ethnic origins.
In our Miami-Dade County area, we have been blessed to
rescue thousands of Cubans from the clutches of a fiendish
dictator - we have blessed to talk to welcome them to
this community individually and collectively. I personally
am about the business of Yehuda Bauer's Words:
Thou shalt not be a victim
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
Which brings us to what I have read was another terrible
time in history - and that time was a period described
as the Holocaust - when six million Jews were murdered.
I read of a Nazi named Erich Gnewuch, who testified about
gassing Jews in Nazi-occupied USSR, 1942-3 [Quoted in
"Nazi Mass Murder: A Documentary History of Poison
Gas", edited by E. Kogon, H. Langbein, and A.Ruekerl,
Yale University Press, 1993, p. 57-9]
I read how Gnewuch detailed how he personally gassed
about twelve convoys of arriving Jews. He stated that
it was in 1942, and that there were about a Thousand Jews
in each convoy. And then he tried to absolve himself by
testifying the he never shot any Jews - he only gassed
Hitler and the nazi Party gained in power in Germany
in 1933 and lost power in 1945-and only in 12 years Europe
was in shambles and nearly 30 million died. Among the
dead were over SIX MILLION Jews-men, women, and children
-who were systematically and efficiently slaughtered for
no other reason than that they were Jews.Why did such
a thing happen? How could such a
thing happen? How could such a thing happen in an advanced,
civilized modern nation? Can it happen again? How can
its reoccurrence be prevented? Many of the material that
will be presented during this "making connections"
conference will be disgusting, brutal, offensive, and
shocking. But it is all true and it is the one truth in
modern history that the world must forget! Or such tragedies
will happen again!!!
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all, Thou shalt not be a bystander.
We must in every way support diversity. Have you ever
noticed that many of us get out of bed in our pajamas,
a garment of East Indian origin, we then drink our breakfast
coffee, grown from a plant First discovered by the Arabs,
We place upon our heads a molded piece of Felt invented
by Nomads of eastern Asia.And then if it rains we put
on outer shoes of rubber discovered by Ancient Mexicans,
And not only that, to cover ourselves we take our umbrella
Invented in India and Then run to catch a train (we call
tri-rail) which is an English invention, and at the train
station we buy a newspaper with coins invented in ancient
And once onboard the train we settle back and read the
news imprinted on characters Invented by early Semites,
By a process invented in Germany, Upon material invented
in China, As we watch a Florida Sate Governor go about
encouraging legislation forbidding foreign ideas and immigrants
- using a language of Indo - European origin and calling
on the name of God that was born in Africa.
Friends I am reporting these incidents without rancor
and surely without rage and of course, without retaliation
in mind. I believe what Rev. King had to say, "none
of us are free until all of us are free."
I suggest that these experiences, as well as all experiences,
must bring us together instead of apart. Whatever happened
during those years of torture and tragedy was a result
of separation and human deprivation; and, therefore, we
must do whatever we can to turn this schism into a bridge:
A bridge over troubled water.
And we should all respect one another not to reject one
another. I mean we should all respect individuality, ingenuity,
and the industry in one another. As a African American
I must and I do accept and respect you and your traditions,
as you, I pray, will respect me and respect mine.
This Program "Making Connections is an affirmation
of that respect - a respect not easily won without deep
inner struggle. For me, this day is day of great value,
a day of effervescence, and a day for celebration for
we are gathered together "Making Connections."
How can we celebrate?
Today you are going to hear things or see things of sadness,
tragedy, and solitude. You will hear about the Holocaust
and names like Trebiinka, Majdanek and or Auschwitz, these
names will become one of your primary missions to understand.
Because these names enter into our world of study and
represent the sacred memory and the sacred desire of a
people to remain human in an inhuman world.
You will hear tales of people who went to their death
and others who did not. You will hear of a universe of
people, African Americans, Jewish Americans, Hispanic
Americans, African Americans, men and women who lived
and died, men and women whose shoulders we now stand.
Humankind lived and perished in many of those tragic days
and terrifying nights. So, this coming together, this
"making connections" is more than useful, it
is life fulfilling. Nothing can be more urgent for our
generation than to learn and to understand our neighbors.
I see our overall mission as one is to assist in the
effective delivery of programming that will prepare our
more than:
a. 340,000 students, Representing many
b. 165 countries, Who speak some
c. 140 different languages or dialects, at more than
d. 340 different school sites, Where
e 16 different languages are taught to build life-affirming
strategies to function successfully in Miami-Dade's culturally
and linguistically diverse community, and in the world.
Yes, inclusive sensitivity will help us all realize that
this making connections adds value to our lives! Remember:
Thou shalt not be a victim
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator
And above all thou shalt bot be a bystander.
David McCullough, winner of a National Book Award and
narrator of the series "The Civil War" vividly
offers yet another view of my affirmation today. He noted
"We are a people that built the Panama Canal
and the Golden Gate Bridge, the Mount Wilson Observatory,
The Library of Congress, and the Lincoln Center. We invented
jazz and the general hospital. We grew strong making steel
in automobiles. Our production turned the tide of the
world history in this century, in the Second World War.
We are the people who devised Voyager II, the unmanned
space craft that succeeded in photographing the planet
Uranus, in the dark, while traveling at a speed of up
to 65,000 miles per hour. Our public schools and great
universities have long been considered the best in the
world. And if our past can teach us anything, it is education
- education second to none and open to all - has been
our salvation, our making. That too, has been part of
the work of America, The good work of America. We are
what we do. The test will be in what we value, what we
Again thank you for inviting me to share some thoughts
about MAKING CONNECTIONS. My instincts encourage me to
the Rainbow."
Because the rainbow is an excellent model of diversity-it
is an arc that exhibits in concentric bands, the color
of the spectrum - it is multi-hued - formed opposite the
sun by refraction and reflections of the sun's rays in
raindrops, spray or mist. In other words, the rainbow
is a multi-tint array of color like the United States
is a multi-colored array of people.
All this, is simple to say, America's colors: Red, Black,
Brown and White are blended into an inescapable network
of commonality; tied together in definite reflections
of energies and enrichment that make our country great.
We must not be confused about this. We need look to the
Rainbow. When I was a kid I heard Judy Garland sing these
words that have stuck with me through the years:
Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are fare behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly,
Birds fly over the rainbow,
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow,
Why, oh why, can't I?"
Well I can, you can, and all of God's children can fly.
We must look to the RAINBOW.
Looking to the Rainbow means to me that: The dream of
equality can and will come true. You see, bad circumstances
does not make a person. Bad circumstances shows us what
a person is made of. Remember it's never about the size
of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in
the dog!
I have come to the awesome and powerful conclusion; That
when it comes to doing something about making connections,
the most positive individual in my community is me. It
is what I do that make the connection. What about you?
Pogo said it best, We have met the enemy, it is us".
I've stopped by to invite you to do the best you can with
the tools that you have. And you must not be overwhelmed
by what you will face. A journey of a thousand must approach
this walk to making a connection one step at a time.
"I am only one, but I am one,
I cannot do everything,
But I can do something
And by the grace of God
What I can do I will do!"
Dr. King's words, "Ring Loud and Clear Today,"
We must learn to live together as brothers and sister
or perish together as fools." I've stopped by to
invite you to look to the rainbow. There you will discover
it will be well worth your effort.
Looking to the Rainbow will be well
Every tear that you may have to dry.
Every burden you may have to bear.
Every difficulty you may have to face.
Every enemy you may have to face.
Every problem you may have to solve.
Every trial you may have to endure, and
Every crisis you may have to handle
Personally, I will make connections.
I shalt not be a victim.
I shall not be a perpetrator.
And above all I shall not, I shall not, I shall not
be a bystander.
As I close, let me do so using areason,
rhythm and rhyme from a chant I wrote some time ago that
I believe is appropriate for our "Making Connections"
"I will be free, I must be free,
Because there will be others to follow me.
Where task exist in the struggle I must take one.
Where there are not paths to freedom I must make one
Sacrifice without scorn or sorrow,
Is the price I must pay today for a better tomorrow.
I must be neither mortified, terrified, nor petrified,
I must be edified, fortified and dignified.
This is the hour; God gave me the power.
'Though my head may be bloodied I'll not cry aloud,
My being is unbroken, un-bossed and unbowed!"